Quick Mix Settings to Make Your Rhythm Tracks Pump!

film and tv music music production recording

Mixing is a skillset that takes years to master.  However, there are strategies that you can use to kickstart the mix process.  In this video, I'm going to share with you some quick mix settings that will 'pump up' your rhythm tracks!


We're Here To Pump... You Up!

It's essential to make sure that these instruments that make up the foundational rhythmic elements of your song, don't get 'lost' in your mix... Especially when pursuing song placements.  This is because the rhythm of a track is essential in maintaining the pacing of the scene, commercial, trailer, etc.


Starting Points...

These are my initial 'go-to' settings when I start any mix, and they've been the foundation for my mixes over the last 14 years.  Keep in mind that this is only a starting point!  From here you're going to want to continue to 'carve out' various other frequencies to help make room for all the instruments in your song.  

Give these settings a try.  They will help jumpstart your mixing process, and allow you to start creating a clear distinction between your rhythmic instruments.


What are some of your favorite plug-in settings to use in your mixes?  Share with us in the Comments Section below:


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